My favorite music album is composed by korean singer Dean, and it was released in 24 march at 2016. The name album is 130 mood: TRBL. TRBL is a shortening of word Trouble and "130 mood" is a reference to James Dean's car. In the music video of song "Bonnie and Clyde", Dean used a car with stamp of number 130 as a reference. The album is a trilogy, TRBL is a first album and the second album will RVNG.

The album have a 7 songs, with a one outro. The singer Dean in a interview said that the order of songs it's reversed, the first songs must be the last, because the order of songs is relate a history of love that ends bad.
My favorite song of this album is "D (half moon)", because the song talk about a empty men that he lost his love and he compared with a half moon.

The album have a 7 songs, with a one outro. The singer Dean in a interview said that the order of songs it's reversed, the first songs must be the last, because the order of songs is relate a history of love that ends bad.
My favorite song of this album is "D (half moon)", because the song talk about a empty men that he lost his love and he compared with a half moon.
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